Honro la promesa que te hice, cuando la frase "Te amo"
salio de mi corazón y se instituyo en mis labios.
Cuando mi mirada se poso en la tuya, ya había pasado un buen rato.
cero divagancias, nada de maltratos, mientras la razón me instruye
y, recordando cada instante, cada frase, evito el gran salto.
I honor the way in which you see the world
While you meet on certainty, stepwise.
You solve your problems; you do not see the past
While this one, in my form, chases you in your mind.
Trying, without achieving, that you roll over to meeting, trying it...
And nevertheless, the fill that I you cause provokes me,
It enervates me, deceives me. And continuing forward with my life
I think about you, seeing in my life that, Certainly...
Me quedo solo. esa era el riesgo cuando acepte,
al fragor de la promesa, la fiera batalla.
cerre los ojos y sin cesar entoné tu nombre
y me ví envuelto en la refriega mientras volaba.
una y otra vez la distracción me partía, mientras las heridas
de amor volcaban la sangra que sin fin, brotaba,
dura clemencia de la fiel partida que invoca la venturanza.
Now, in the ruins of the unmentionable thing
I prepare myself. Already I'm alone. Honoring my promise
And certainly I hide in the complaint
That returning to you makes the sight of the beatitude frightful.
Because I honor the memory of the promise that I did to you
And while I die one day simultaneously you shake of your recollections
My already vague effigy...
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