martes, 18 de febrero de 2014


My memories are filled with music. Thundering . Silent .
My memory of you has a high fragrance. Exalted . Warm .
As the lights facing the alley where last
I saw you as you walked away with my dreams.
Now, when I walk , these poses are activated throughout the world
that cold, prompts me to walk past many effigies,
Shadows of my past insights into human interaction.
From time to time any song active my beats , those who were
You but I visit often, just to remind
That's what I 'm still alive when those missing , the beats
Taking your shape and your breath verve .
My memories are full of fragances. strong. confectionery
And why not ? Also nauseating .
Faint notes flood my head, chimeric hallucinations
A shady past that still haunts me
And by that , I confess, I have not stopped developing ,
Well it seems the more I look more repellent ,
As if I just keep it in mind fed ,
While just about echoes of my past lives .
I close the intricacies that make me crazy Hanks
And with love I am ready to worship you , sweet woman , tender look ,
Cruel reminder of my ilk harmonious
You stop getting me to love you without an exchange,
Not even words.
So ...
So , flying towards you. Naked . Drunk Love . Royalty feelings...

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